In Taiwan, where banks account for only 30 per cent of funds sold, the fees charged for offshore funds are the same as in Hong Kong. 在台湾,购买离岸基金的费用与香港相同,银行分销占基金销售的比例仅为30%。
Google has said it plans to use most of its offshore funds to make acquisitions abroad, according to a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission. 谷歌近期向美国证券交易委员会(TheSecuritiesandExchangeCommission)提交的文件显示,它计划利用大部分境外资金进行海外并购。
Any whiff of offshore funds has become a political liability. 任何有关涉足离岸基金的消息都会带来政治包袱。
Offshore funds as a classification is in itself incorrect. 其实“岸外基金”这个名词有欠准确。
Unless otherwise provided by law or regulation, when handling the offering and sale of offshore funds, the enterprises and personnel thereof referred to in the preceding paragraph shall keep confidential all personal information, transaction information, and other relevant information of investors in offshore funds. 前项事业及其人员于办理境外基金募集及销售业务时,对于境外基金投资人之个人数据、往来交易数据及其它相关数据,除法令另有规定外,应保守秘密。
By abolishing estate duty and exempting offshore funds from profits tax, we have further consolidated our position as a major asset management centre. 我们已取消遗产税及豁免离岸基金缴交利得税,进一步巩固香港作为主要的资产管理中心的地位。
Offshore funds are products registered outside Taiwan by international fund companies. 离岸基金指的是国际基金公司在台湾以外地区注册的产品。
Overseas private equity groups have struggled to make inroads into China, partly because of strict regulations governing the use of dollar-based offshore funds to acquire local assets. 海外私人股本集团一直难以进入中国市场,部分原因在于,中国在使用美元离岸基金收购当地资产方面有着严格的监管规定。
In most parts of Asia this is also nil, and thus investment into offshore funds becomes very attractive. 在亚洲大部分地方,这类投资的收入都不须要缴税。岸外基金投资因此有很大的吸引力。
The securities investment consulting enterprise engaging in the investment consulting business of the offshore funds, unless it is acting as a sales agent, must sign an information cooperation agreement with the general agent. 证券投资顾问事业除担任销售机构者外,办理境外基金之投资顾问业务,应与总代理人签订提供信息合作契约。
In recent years, Dublin, Ireland, has become quite popular as an offshore funds centre, and it competes with Luxembourg. 近年来,爱尔兰的都柏林也崛起成为另一个主要的岸外基金中心,与卢森堡竞争。
A master agent usually gets half of the management fees from the offshore funds as a reward for its efforts. 一家主代理通常能从海外基金获得半数管理费用作为回报。
Electronic banking is providing easier access to untaxed offshore funds. 网上银行则提供了更为便捷的方法来使用那些免税的离岸资金。
They argued that the cap on new fundraising by onshore funds with an offshore portfolio was giving offshore funds an unfair advantage. 它们指出,对拥有海外投资组合的本土基金新筹资规模设限,是在给予海外基金一种不公平的优势。
Pension funds, investment trusts, unit trusts and offshore funds. 如养老基金、投资信托基金、单位信托基金、海外基金等。
The tremendous growth of offshore funds in Taiwan during the past four years has been a big concern for managers of onshore funds. 过去4年台湾海外基金的迅猛增长,一直令本土基金公司大感担忧。
Master agents can hire other distribution channels such as banks to sell offshore funds. 主代理可以聘用银行等其它分销渠道来销售海外基金。
Onshore unit trusts could only be sold to pension funds and charities. Offshore funds were not restricted. 在岸单位信托基金只能面向养老基金和慈善机构销售,而离岸基金则不受限制。
Franklin Templeton submitted an application to register a total of 23 offshore funds for marketing on the island. 富兰克林邓普顿(franklintempleton)递交了一份计划在台湾销售的总计23只海外基金的注册申请。
Due to the higher commission fees from offshore funds, banks prefer to sell offshore funds. 由于海外基金支付的佣金更高,银行更愿意代销海外基金。
To attract more investors and offshore funds to Hong kong, measures have been taken to abolish estate duty and exempt offshore funds from profits tax. 取消遗产税和豁免离岸基金缴交利得税,就是吸引投资者和离岸基金的措施。
Apart from the abolition of estate duty, we have exempted offshore funds from profits tax since last year. 除了取消遗产税外,我们亦已于去年实施豁免离岸基金缴付利得税。
The implementation of the master agent system has significantly boosted sales of offshore funds in Taiwan, with 70 new types of offshore products in terms of asset classes having entered Taiwan since August 2006 through distribution channels such as banks and securities firms, according to Mr Liu. 刘宗圣表示,主代理机制的实施极大地促进了海外基金在台湾的销售,自2006年8月以来,共有70种新资产类别的海外基金产品通过银行和证券公司等分销渠道进入台湾。
Article21if a sub-distributor ceases to handle the business of offering and selling offshore funds, it shall immediately notify the master agent. 第21条销售机构终止办理境外基金之募集及销售业务者,应即通知总代理人。
A master agent shall produce an annual financial report for the offshore funds represented by it in accordance with the regulations of the place where the fund is registered, and immediately publish it together with a Chinese language summary thereof. 总代理人所代理之境外基金,应依基金注册地规定,编具年度财务报告,并同其中文简译本实时办理公告。
Taiwan began allowing the distribution of offshore funds about 20 years ago, but the number at that time was limited. 台湾大约20年前开始允许销售海外基金,但当时的基金数量有限。
Although local fund managers are currently reluctant to launch offshore funds, Z-Ben advises foreign fund managers to seek out a joint venture or sub-advisory relationship even if it does not bear fruit right away. 尽管本土基金管理公司目前不愿意推出境外基金,但咨奔建议外国基金管理公司与之结成合资企业或分层顾问关系,即使它不会马上见效。
A large number of offshore funds into financial institutions, domestic commercial banks to add capital and improve the capital adequacy ratio, improved corporate governance structure, foreign capital operation has been expanded. 境外金融机构大量资金的注入给国内商业银行增添了资本,提高了资本充足率,公司治理结构也得以改善,海外资本运营也得以拓展。